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Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City Is One Of The Largest Hospitals In The UAE, It’s Equipped With The Surgical Robot Which Allows Doctors To Perform Many Types Of Complex Procedures With Precision, Efficiency And Speed.

Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City Is One Of The Largest Hospitals In The UAE, It’s Equipped With The Surgical Robot Which Allows Doctors To Perform Many Types Of Complex Procedures With Precision, Efficiency And Speed.

Saed Jaber Al-Kuwaiti, head of operation committee at Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City, confirm that the launch of the hospital is part of government of Abu Dhabi’s policy which seeks to devlop the health service to a global level, in line with Abu Dhabi Vision 2030 and SEHA vision which aims to advance health care through skills and innovation.

His statement came out during a tour organised by SEHA at Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City for a group of press and media people to show the hospital sections and advanced facilities.

He said SEHA Company introduced the artificial intelligence in several operstions, since IT and AI play a vital role in the development of the health care within SEHA’s facilities. SEHA’s policy focues on providing high quality care centered on patient. This is to comply with the vision of the leadership in offering world-class health care for all citizens and residents of Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

He added, SEHA is cane to develop the health care to all population of Emirate of Abu Dhabi through four areas which are: prompt access to heath care, positive results, stable cost and patients’ satisfication. SEHA aims to cut the waiting time shorter for both check-visits and appointments for hospital admission. SEHA’s adnavced care system looks after patients equaly during hospitalized time and after discharge.

He pointed out that Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City City is one of the largest hospitals in the UAE and part of SEHA’s network, the hospital will partially open for public in November the third of 2019.

He also said, the hospital area is three hundred thousand square meter and has 732 inpatient beds with a strategic location close to each of Abu Dhabi, Al-Ain and Dhafra area together, around 50 minute distance by car. The hospital has four wings which are emergency & intensive care, acute surgical, maternity and children and outpatient services, in addition to several sepcialised areas such as vascular surgery, burns and trauma treatment, pulomonology and orthopaedic & plastic surgery along side with neonatology.

He explained that first launch would include adult cardiology, adult neurological, ear, nose & throat, gastrointestinal & hepatobiliary and ophthalmology clinics.   While the second stage of launching will take place towards the end of the current year or beginning of the next year.

The tour for press and media people covered operational chamber, surgery wards, neonatal unit and patients rest ward as they noticed the final preparation for launching.

The press and media people were introduced to the very advanced & high-tech equipment including robotic surgeon which allows dectors to perfom many type of complex proedures with precision, effectiveness and speed which shortens the time of surgury into one-fifth and reduces the healing time, not to mention the higher percentage of success.

The hospital implemented the smart pharmacy system which offers service to customers via eighteen windows simultaneously, prescriptions are dispensed automatically which reduces error rate to nil.  Operating room has the best equipment auto-controlled in all stages and also has an advanced audiovisual communication system. The outpatient clinics accommodate about 2500 vistors daily. The neonatal unit has 26 beds, very advanced equipment and attractive overlooking which brings calm and happiness to both staff and patients.

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