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Oncology Experts Explore Transformation Of Cancer Care At The 5th MEA Oncology Summit In Abu Dhabi

Oncology Experts Explore Transformation Of Cancer Care At The 5th MEA Oncology Summit In Abu Dhabi

The 5th Middle East and Africa (MEA) Oncology Summit organised by AstraZeneca will gather over 200 international and regional oncology experts on 21-22 February 2020, in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The Summit, entitled ‘Transforming Cancer Care’ will discuss recent scientific updates and developments across multiple cancer types and their impact on cancer management across the region.

Dr Elmas Malvolti, Medical Director, AstraZeneca Middle East and Africa states: “For the fifth consecutive year, MEA Oncology Summit will gather leading oncology experts committed to the exchange of know-how and best practices focused on cancer management. Our ambition is to provide the healthcare community in the Middle East and Africa with a platform for scientific exchange, clinical case discussions and continuous medical education on the latest developments in oncology, which leads to the better support for cancer patients across the region.”

Worldwide, there were an estimated 18.1 million cases and 9.6 million cancer deaths in 2018, with one in four men and one in five women developing the disease, and one in eight men and one in eleven women dying from it. In addition, there were 43.8 million persons living with cancer in 2018 who were diagnosed within the last 5 years. Cancer is a major health issue in the UEA leading to considerable morbidity and mortality. It is the 3rd leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease and injuries. The UAE is determined to bring down cancer mortality by nearly 18% by 2021 and reducing the number of deaths due to cancer is one of the key performance indicators of the UAE national agenda. However there is still limited data regarding the incidence, survival and potential risk factors for cancer in the UAE.

Dr Humaid Al-Shamsi, President of the Emirates Oncology Society, said: “The UAE Oncology Task Force was established in 2019 by cancer care providers from across the UAE under the auspices of Emirates Oncology Society. Through our work we have outlined current challenges and opportunities to enhance and standardise cancer care and our recommendations are aligned with the UAE government’s vision to reduce cancer mortality and provide the best healthcare for its population. We are working closely with the health authorities and policymakers to advance cancer care across the UAE.”

Plenary sessions of the Summit will focus on various cancer programs across the region including UAE Vision to fight Cancer, Saudi Family Oriented Care program in Oncology, and National Cancer programs in Egypt and Algeria, which will provide experts the opportunity to discuss how cancer care is transforming in different countries and allow exchange of ideas. Furthermore, experts will be able to enhance scientific exchange relating to different cancer types, such as Ovarian, Breast, Lung and Genito-urinary cancers. However, science is only truly valuable if the advances reach patients, therefore shaping the patient ecosystem and improving the whole patient experience, with the focus on patient outcomes is one of the key topics of the Summit.

By organising the MEA Oncology Summit and creating a continuous scientific exchange platform that empowers local, regional and international oncology experts to connect and exchange ideas, AstraZeneca reaffirms its commitment to being a trusted partner in the transformation of cancer care and having a positive impact on society across Middle East and Africa.

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